For the past week, I've had the wonderful chance to volunteer for POW! WOW!'s first appearance in South Korea. I've been a fan & follower of the POW! WOW! movement since they've started their base in Kakaako years back, when I was still in high school. When I heard that they were finally coming out to Seoul for a week, I jumped at the chance to volunteer for the festival & artists.

For a full week, I spent day and night with the invited artists from all around the world. While they worked on their sketches & mural design, the other volunteers and I prepared all the logistics and equipment for these very talented individuals. Throughout the week, I had a chance to try out painting something myself, but as expected I ruined the whole thing!

Fortunately for me, this event meant that I would have a super interesting subject to film/photograph.

Here are some photos from the event. Enjoy!


  1. Wow that is so great! I remember seeing them do their work during the Kakaako night market. I didn't realize that they travel the world sharing their art. Nice to see that you still find Hawaii ties while in Korea!

  2. This is crazy cool. And this is all in Korea?! Even cooler. Its pretty amazing that you're in Korea currently because Korea is one of the greatest countries I've ever been to. Its also pretty amazing that you're working with Pow Wow because their work is unbelievable.

  3. Wow these are really amazing paintings. I love seeing this type of art, the creativity and color that goes into them is always so fascinating. It must have been awesome to be there taking photographs of the art and being able to see the artists work through the process.


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